Cybercrime issues in Latvia Week#10

 Hello there!

    This week I will be talking a bit about cyber security measures and problems in Latvia. To be honest I have never really heard much about this topic and now when I think about it I can recall only few instances where I saw some news about specific scams to be careful about. 

    In schools we are not about any security measures or threats that should be avoided, and to give a bit more of insight in our informatics course it's basically working with Word, Powerpoint etc. And this is something that people are slowly starting to realise- the lack of education in this topic. For example, there was a paper made specifically about my high school and cyberthreats and the main part didn't even know some basic vulnerabilities.

    Also as I mentioned previously only few times some scams have been made as public awareness and even that was from specific users on Facebook or Instagram. The latest would be WhatAapp hacking or one with Latvian post office. I would like to mention that people are being scammed so often that police has even said that to not send more new cases because they can't really do anything.

(This information I only found out after someone had posted on private group about being scammed)

    Overall I would say that either there are no crimes in Latvia (which is not true) or they are not really made public like everyday news and that's a big issue as a lot of people already have trouble understanding technologies (older generation) and they are not educated about the possible threats, or just overall society isn't educated.



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