Disabilities and computers #Week 14

     Today I will be talking about something that I have found to be fascinating ever since I was a kid, and that is how people can adapt to certain (body) restrictions. I think the first time I started to think about how people with disabilities or those who are handicap did everyday tasks was when I saw a video on the news of woman knitting with her feet. And it just seemed so interesting and fascinating because I can never imagine doing something like that.

    And one part of everyday tasks is working with computer, which for people who don't have arms could be quite challenging. So I found 2 ways people have dealt with this limitation and to be honest it is really interesting.

    First example would be about a man from Bangladesh named Russel. He works at Centre for Disability in Development office and manage to do everything on the computer with his feet (as seen in the picture).And some of his everyday tasks at work include capacity building trainings, go to field to oversee the work, deals with library management and composes reports.

    Second article/tech that I wanted to talk about today is head/mouth stick keyboard. This is also meant for people who have no use of their hands. The shape and layout matches the natural head movement and minimise the amount of movement needed to control the stick.

    So in conclusion, if a person works hard with himself and has some help from others or by technology he can learn to do everything that is needed even if technically he has some limitations for that.





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