
    Today in my last post I will be talking about a specific ethical theory and how I see it implemented in IT. Theory that I chose is Social Contract Theory by Michael J. Quinn (Firstly by Thomas Hobbes) and it goes like this: "the society should strive to develop a set of rules that make sense to everyone (making people follow them voluntarily). For instance, driving on the right (or in some places, left) could be a common example - drivers keep to the right not for fearing the police but to avoid confusion and possible crashes". 

    This one in specific really caught my eye and I don't know why but I started thinking about Reddit, and how in a way they also have some rules that everyone follows. For example, everyone is anonymous there and if mentions some specific business it is usually also kept secret; in some discussions people turn for help and/or advice and users do the best to help, and usually keep it either in some nice way or just harsh truth (mostly I have seen this in Am I the Asshole subreddit). Or if people want to share their horrible experience they can still do it in specific subreddits, for example Entitled people/parents or my favourite Pro revenge.  And what I like the most is that you can basically find a subreddit for EVERYTHING and feel welcomed there.

    I think the reddit community is really working and thriving not only just because of the good posts and all tat but because it has some community rules that they follow and they are pretty accepted between reddit users.

Sone posts that I recently read and really enjoyed:




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