Hacking #Week12

This week I will be talking about hacking and their modern ideals. As we know with time our values and ideals changes, so I will look at some early day ideals and compare to these days, and also mention some of modern ideas.

So let's start with some points of the old days:

  • All information should be free- I can definitely agree with this point to some extent. I think it depends on what type of information. If it's study material then of course, if it's some backend code for some secure facility then maybe no.
  • Hackers should be judged on their hacking, not other criteria- I think this point can't be stressed enough, but it still happens, especially judging on race or position, and it happens everywhere. 
  • Computers can change your life for the better- only I would mention if used properly and of course based on your morals. And by that I mean, you can steal from a lot of people and make yourself feel better, but does it truly count that you make your life better on other suffering?
And now some new day ideas!:
  • Passion- I mean you need to be passionate about everything you do if you want to be good and happy while doing it, but sometimes the passion is replaced with greed or revenge
  • Freedom- freedom has it's price right? So what exactly you want freedom from? Laws-then there will be chaos in the world. Censorship-yeah, it can work, but then everyone can also use your work. So what I am trying to say is, freedom is good as long as you can deal with the consequences.
  • Creativity- as more and more things being invented there will be less new ideas and more of the same "type". So creativity will as it has always been an important feature to help succeed and stand out.
I would like to agree that for example freedom is so needed, or as in the old days there was a point about mistrusting the authority, but we have to remember that everything is there for a reason. And even if some hackers have good intentions, there will always e the ones who doesn't care about anyone but themselves. 


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