Before the web


Today I will be talking about two things of pre-web time, only one of them is still around and one of the sadly not. What is interesting is that the one that survived has been around since 1500's and that is the practise of using Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum

I thought that it would be interesting to mention this practise witch is also called as Dummy text because not only it is around since 16th century, but also survived digitalization and is still used to this day.

The start of using this phrase as a test text was because all those years beck a unknown printer used it to make a type specimen book. And although the original Lorem Ipsum can be found most of them have been altered with some random words or funny phrases, so it is advised before using one of these text to make sure there is nothing embarrassing hidden. Also, generators can be used (fun fact Lorem Ipsum generator can be thought of being the first true generator on the Internet) as it uses more than 200 Latin words combined with modern day structures. It is also interesting that you can change what to generate (shown in the picture)



And as something that is replaced by product that's more efficient, I could have taken any of the first computers, but for this post I will talk about ENIAC that stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. It is first generation computer that was made between 1943 and 1945 and it is said to be "first large-scale computer to run at electronic speed without being slowed down by any mechanical parts" and it was main task was to do calculations for the construction of hydrogen bombs. It is also interesting to mention that made by Francis Bilas and Betty Jean Jennings (some of the keywords for this machine are women and technology).

Eye catching headline for this computer also is "18,000 Chances to Fail" and that's because it used 18,000 vacuum tubes and that's the reason why engineers had made strict guidelines for using that included many tests and restrictions of pushing machine to it's limits. Although this computer was powerful it was also bulky and newer generation computers came so usage of this one was no longer needed. Although on it's 50th anniversary the machine was reimplemented using modern day technologies, so then room-sized computer now could fit in the palm of one’s hand. This modernization was made by University of Pennsylvania undergraduates James Tau and Lin Ping Ang.

I think it is interesting that no matter when something is invented You can never what will happen to it in future.

Sources: (09.02.2021) (09.02.2021)




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