
Showing posts from February, 2021

Old to New #week 3

 Hello there! This week I will be talking about the inevitable death of newspaper and success of online journalism, and maybe why it wasn't such a good idea. I think I will mostly make it as a comparison between the old and new.   Without any further ado let's start: As we know newspapers date back centuries ago, but only not so long ago (around 1980's) they received newer and "better" version - online journalism. Although it is easier to just open google and get thousands of articles about topic you are looking for, paper had it's magic too. Usually when buying newspaper a person knew that he can trust this outlet and the integrity of news he is reading, but on internet everyone could have written it, and there are so many twisted stories that you just can't know which is the real one. One more thing why it would be nice to keep some paper based newspapers would be that we are already spending so much time in front of a screen that reading somethi...

Before the web

 Hello! Today I will be talking about two things of pre-web time, only one of them is still around and one of the sadly not. What is interesting is that the one that survived has been around since 1500's and that is the practise of using Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum I thought that it would be interesting to mention this practise witch is also called as Dummy text because not only it is around since 16th century, but also survived digitalization and is still used to this day. The start of using this phrase as a test text was because all those years beck a unknown printer used it to make a type specimen book. And although the original Lorem Ipsum can be found most of them have been altered with some random words or funny phrases, so it is advised before using one of these text to make sure there is nothing embarrassing hidden. Also, generators can be used (fun fact Lorem Ipsum generator can be thought of being the first true generator on the Internet) as it uses more than 200 Latin words...

Technologies That Failed #Week 1

  Hello there!      In this post I will be talking about some t echnologies  ideas that failed and will mention 3 examples that I personally hadn't heard about. Although there are a lot of reasons why many ideas just don't get to see that beautiful moment of being sold, these three devices/ideas that I chose mainly died because they weren't strong enough to compete with other same-type products. But without any more blabbering let's start.   1.Google Lively      Alphabet's Google in 2008 tried to make something similar to Liden Lab's virtual world "Second Life". This project was named "Lively" and was web-based virtual chat rooms that were supported by Adobe Flash. The main idea was to provide access to information through embedded "rooms" so the two-dimensional content could be discussed in three-dimensional room without needing another program.     Some of the factors that led to  Lively  downfall was...